Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend Birding

At Bronte Creek again on Sunday night, we saw our first Tree Swallow of the season. He was staking out a nesting box. We are looking forward to seeing them here again and hope they return soon.

We also saw the American Woodcock again. He was very busy calling, calling, calling and then would fly up into the air, spiral down and land (more or less) in the same spot. This went on for quite some time. We had a good look at him through the binoculars. It was a very good sighting and we were glad they were still in Bronte. A better sound recording is posted at the bottom of the page.

On Sunday we saw our first Chipping Sparrow of the season. As of yesterday, there were two hanging around.

On Saturday we witnessed a large flock of Red Wings. They were quite active and drew a large crowd of on-lookers. Everyone was very excited to see them in their full colours. There seemed to be quite a bit of vying for position and claiming of territory.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that there will be a very large flock of blue jays in Toronto this coming Monday.
