We spent some time over the holidays at my parents' house. Usually their yard is filled with all kinds of bird activity. My mom has noticed that she has had an usually quiet fall and winter at her feeders. In fact, other neighbours have reported a similar experience. On Saturday we were watching out the window and saw a few Mourning Doves, Gold Finch and even a Red-Breasted Nuthatch (a rare visitor for her). Suddenly all the birds flew away, except the nuthatch who froze in place. Nuthatches are usually always on the move, so this was our first clue something was up. Just then a Cooper's Hawk flew into the tree, stopped for a moment and then moved on to a neighbour's yard. So now we are wondering if this hawk has taken up residence in the neighbourhood and this would explain the low turn-out at the feeders. While the nuthatch was frozen to evade the hawk, I took some pictures. We think this is such a nice little bird.

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