On Sunday I went to the Burlington Wild Birds Unlimited Store. I love that place! It has so many great products for bird-lovers. It's a small and cozy space, filled with colourful delights. I was doing some Christmas shopping and, of course, ended up buying something for our feathered friends. I decided to get a new, sturdier niger seed feeder. We have been using two bags, which work fine until the finches get a bit too aggressive with their feeding and tear holes into the bags. Niger seed is quite fine, so it spills out the smallest hole onto the ground. It's also a more expensive seed, so we hate to see it go to waste (although the Mourning Doves will eat it). I have sewn up the holes a few times, but the repairs never last for too long. So I bought a tube finch feeder. The finches quickly discovered it and have been busy at that now.

I also bought a peanut feeder for the jays. We typically put the peanuts on the well for them. I was thinking that this area is pretty open in the winter and exposes the jays to hawks. I thought it might be better to put the peanut feeder in the tree so that they have some coverage while they eat. So far no one seems to have noticed it. Maybe it's too hidden? Or maybe it's more work than just swooping in, grabbing the peanut and flying off? I'll give it a few more days and then maybe I'll try moving it.
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