We spent a few days camping at MacGregor Point Provincial Park and had a great time! An excellent park all around- very clean, great trails, friendly staff. Very beautiful scenery as well. The campsites are quite private, surrounded by trees and this allowed for birdwatching right on our site. In fact, we had our best view of a Black and White Warbler ever and it was just working his way down a tree behind our tent. We also had a male Winter Wren just behind our site as well. He sang his heart out for us each morning and what a lovely song! That was also a new addition to our life list as well, so it was an added bonus.
Here's the list for the weekend:
Friday (late afternoon-early evening)
Upland Sandpiper (observed outside of Arthur, ON)- new to our life list
Am Robins
Am Redstarts (Male and Female- and just a note that we have never seen so many Redstarts in one place!)
Winter Wren
Red-Eyed Vireo (another new addition to the life list. I know they are common, but we have never before observed them and been 100% sure of the ID. There were quite a few of these around, including a mother attending to a nest of babies).
N. Flicker, including a parent feeding a fledgling
Chipping Sparrows
Cedar Waxwings
Am Gold Finch
Hairy Woodpecker
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Brown Creeper
Red-winged Blackbirds
Eastern Phoebe
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Winter Wren
Northern Flicker
Am Crow
Chipping Sparrows
Am. Redstarts
belted Kingfisher
Great-crested Flycatcher
Eastern Wood Peewee
Yellow Warbler
Blue Jays
Song Sparrow
Common Yellowthroat (male)
Canada Goose
Least Flycatcher (new to life list!!)
Red-eyed Vireo
Yellow Warbler
White-throated Sparrow
Black and White Warbler
Mourning Dove
and we heard a Whip-poor-will calling as we fell asleep that night.
Red-eyed Vireo
Pileated Woodpecker
Cedar Waxwings
Winter Wren
2 Great Blue Herons flying above, one adult and one juvenile, where the juvenile was calling out to the adult. First time we've seen a fledgling Heron!
Fox Sparrow
Northern Rough-winged Sparrow
An Egret- it was flying overhead as we were on the beach. Due to the size, we think it was a Great Egret, but we did not get a good look to confirm this, which is too bad b/c it would be our first Egret. We can't add it to our official list. Boo!
Am Redstarts
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