Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Project Feeder Watch

Some interesting notes from this past weekend's observations:
- The Brown Creeper was back and we were able to add it to the count

- We saw zero hawks this weekend! I think that's the first time since the count started that we didn't see at least one hawk. Not sure why that was the case.
- There was a very large number of American Gold Finch- 52!! They were everywhere- niger seed feeders, eating spilt seed on the ground, the sunflower seed feeder etc.

We also put out a new bag of nesting supplies. It won't be too long until some of the birds start nest building. On that same day, we saw a squirrel making a nest in one of our nesting boxes. The entry hole was widened by a Hairy Woodpecker last year and then the Starlings did some additional damage to it, so now it's big enough for a squirrel to work it's way into it. I think we're going to leave it and see what happens with the squirrels.

Here are this week's numbers:

Checklist for FeederWatch Ontario Birds

Mourning Dove18
Red-bellied Woodpecker1
Downy Woodpecker4
Hairy Woodpecker2
Blue Jay5
American Crow2
Black-capped Chickadee6
Red-breasted Nuthatch1
White-breasted Nuthatch2
Brown Creeper1
American Robin8
European Starling8
Dark-eyed Junco8
Northern Cardinal7
Brown-headed Cowbird34
House Finch8
American Goldfinch52
House Sparrow10

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