All three hawks were present again this weekend. The Cooper's has been around quite a bit. In fact, Dave watched the Cooper's swoop in and grab a Mourning Dove from the front yard on Monday morning. Britt spotted the male Red-Bellied Woodpecker on Sunday, which was nice as we hadn't seen him in on Saturday or the days leading up to it.

The Red-Breasted Nuthatch was missing from this week's count. We still haven't seen any Redpolls yet.
We saw a record number of cardinals, downys, and juncos for this winter.

We are still seeing plenty of cowbirds, starlings and house sparrows.
There seems to be a solid group of House and Gold Finches as well.

Checklist for FeederWatch Ontario Birds
Sharp-shinned Hawk | 1 |
Cooper's Hawk | 1 |
Red-tailed Hawk | 1 |
Mourning Dove | 18 |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | 1 |
Downy Woodpecker | 5 |
Hairy Woodpecker | 2 |
Blue Jay | 8 |
American Crow | 1 |
Black-capped Chickadee | 5 |
White-breasted Nuthatch | 1 |
European Starling | 13 |
Dark-eyed Junco | 11 |
Northern Cardinal | 8 |
Brown-headed Cowbird | 26 |
House Finch | 8 |
American Goldfinch | 26 |
House Sparrow | 18 |
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