Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some interesting links

An interesting article about how this summer's weather has impacted the monarch butterfly mating and migration. It also gives us another reason to garden, garden, garden! Native plants and milk weed are key to so many insects and birds.

We went to the Toronto Vegetarian Association's Food Fair on Sunday and attended a lecture by Erica Ritter about her new book "The Dog By The Cradle, The Serpent Beneath." It was an interesting discussion on the complicated relationships between people and animals- how we cherish and love some and demonize, villianize others.

We visited the new Chapters in town on Sunday. Of course we spent most of our visit in the "Animals and Nature" section. We picked up a new read called "Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from The Urban Wilderness" by Lyanda Lynn Haupt. I'm looking forward to getting started on it.

and that reminded me of a book my mom bought us for xmas last year called "Alex and Me". A great read about the life of a very famous macaw. I remember seeing a documentary about Alex years ago and being fascinated by it. He could identify matter (tell if it was wood or metal etc), count, express his thoughts, etc. Here's a link to a review on the book: http://www.cityparrots.org/post/book-review-alex-me

If you have any other books you can recommend on a similar subject line, please pass them along!

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