Friday, September 18, 2009


Nothing much has been going on in the yard at all. We still see the juvenile red tailed hawk once-twice a week, along with evidence of his feedings.

The summer birds seem to have all moved on. I saw one errant hummingbird fly through the front yard one night this week. I have not see a single one at the feeders since our return from camping on labour day weekend.

In my opinion, there were not the same huge number of black bird flocks this year. Last year there were days when there were hundreds of them- in every tree, all over the front yard, the fences, the backyard and all singing and talking. HUNDREDS!!! This year, there were some larger groups, but nowhere near what we got last year.

It's still a little early for the winter birds to be back. We'll be waiting to see the juncos and the
common redpolls.

The woodpeckers are already taking over the yard again. We are seeing the downy and hairy more often. Dave saw a juv. male red-bellied one day this week too. He thinks it's the same juvenile that's been around and has come into his colouring. Hopefully we'll see more of them all since they are among our favourites. The red-breasted nuthatch may have made a quick reappearance, but we're not sure. I also feel like I haven't seen a cardinal in a long, long time. The blue jays are still out every morning to take all the peanuts. They are so noisy and if we sleep in, they get in the backyard tree and call and call and call at full volume until we get out. Apparently we are well-trained.

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