Lots of hummingbird action at the feeders. We set up two new hummingbird feeders as well. We put one up to the window, so we can literally sit about 8 inches away from them and watch. They have the cutest little feet! As long as we don't move at all, they'll stay there and feed. We have yet to get a really good close-up pic at that feeder as any movement startles them off.
The other new feeder is one of those glass blown feeders, with the feeding tubes at the bottom. As soon as I filled that up, all the syrup dripped right out. Lame. I'm not sure how to adjust that one to have it sealed properly. Oh, and for the record, it's best to make your own hummingbird food and it's a ration of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. The first time I went to make up food, I accidentally reversed that and couldn't figure out why it was such a thick paste. Oops. (It never made it out to the feeder, so the birds weren't on sugar highs or anything).
Here's the male at the purple bee balm:

wowie zowie!