Awhile back I posted that I was worried about the arrival of a pair of House Wrens in one of our backyard nesting boxes. Wrens are known to be aggressive towards other nesting birds (at the time we had robins and swallows nesting close by), but we didn't see any of this. In fact, they have proven themselves to be good neighbours. Now that the babies have hatched, the parents have been very vigilant. Dave went to check on the status of the nesting box on Sunday and the parents were making hissing noises at him and one even landed on his arm! Usually the parents fly close to Dave when he's looking at their babies, but actual contact this time was a first. Dave said that it landed on his elbow, cocked it's head and gave him the stare down. Awesome.
Still giving the cold shoulder:

We think there might be five or six babies in there (we're not totally sure) and they will probably fledge soon as they are getting quite big and are very noisy now whenever the parents come in the box with food. So far, so good!!

did the wren borrow my wrench?