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A few weeks ago, we took a short drive (along with B, our niece who is excellent at spotting birds far away and high up in the trees). At that time we spotted about a dozen or so wild turkeys. They were pretty far back from the road (and on private property, so we couldn't go trapsing after them). Some were flying/jumping up into the sumac to eat the berries. We watched them for a bit and then moved on.
This past Sunday, we decided to go for a drive to another birding spot and passed by the orchard we saw the turkeys at a few weeks ago. We spotted about 10 in the distance again, took a look and then started on our way. Luckily we were paying attention and spotted another group of turkeys close to the road. They were eating the apples from the trees- stretching and jumping up to get them off the branches and eating them from the ground. We counted a total or approximately 30 wild turkeys. They didn't run off while we were there and we were able to watch them for quite a bit and get some pictures. We think the ones closest to us were all females as they were approximately the same size, but if anyone can tell us otherwise, we'd be happy for the input!!
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