Here's a rare treat for us- the red-breasted nuthatch. We only see this bird for a very short time over the winter. This guy just showed up about a week ago. I think they only make an appearance at the feeder when it's pretty cold out. We finally managed to get some pictures of him (I think it's a male) yesterday. He would fly up to the feeder, grab a sunflower seed and then fly off to eat it somewhere else. They are always moving and moving pretty fast at that, so getting a picture isn't so easy. I'm also assuming it was the same one, since we didn't see more than one at a time. The white-breasted nuthatch will stick around a little longer and we see them in greater numbers. The red nuthatch is a little smaller and has the distinct black eye-liner too. Nuthatches can climb downwards on trees and I think this is a unique trait. I like these little guys- they make cold winters a little cheerier.
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