Another great birding day on Saturday! Best sightings of the day? Bobolinks- they're back! and the Indigo Bunting made it's annual Mother's Day weekend return to the yard!
Species observed at home: White-crowned Sparrow (at least 5), Brown-headed Cowbird, Goldfinch, Brown Thrasher, WB Nuthatch, Tree Swallow (still gathering nesting material), Eastern Bluebird (gathering nesting material), White-throated Sparrow, starling, Chipping Sparrow, Mourning Dove, RB Nuthatch (pair in/at a hole in the front-yard Oak tree), Red-winged Blackbird, American Robin, Blue Jay, Crow, Downy WP, Red-tailed Hawk, Cardinal, Chickadee, Killdeer, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Barn Swallow, House Finch, Turkey Vulture, Grackle, Hairy Wp, Rock Dove, Purple Finch, Great Blue Heron, Indigo Bunitn (2 male)
And we took another visit to Bronte Creek PP (we decided to buy a summer pass this year). This list includes additional species only and does not relist the species we previously observe the same day at home:
Canada Goose, Wild Turkey, House Sparrow, Bobolink (first of the year), Song Sparrow, House Wren, Gray Catbird (first of the year), Eastern Towhee (first of they year), Belted Kingfisher, Black-throated Green Warlber (First of the year), Eastern Meadowlark, Northern Mockingbird (we've seen five in the last two days, which is more than we usually see in a year. I'm wondering if this species is enjoying greater numbers this year?), Savannah Sparrow, and Mallard.
Total for the Yard: 33 species and Total for the day: 47 species.
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