On Saturday, April 23rd, we saw the Barn Swallows return (first of the year). We also saw Killdeer, Great Blue Heron and of course the sub-adult Bald Eagle that flew by. On a walk at Shoreacres Park, we saw several Blue-grey Gnatcatchers and a Hermit Thrush (both first of the year). Our total species observed at home on Saturday was 24 and the total for the day was 32 species. Dave took this picture of a Red-winged Blackbird. We were surprised how close we could get to them b/c these same birds startle so easily at home.
The Tree Swallows continue to hang out and seem to be keeping an eye on their favourite nesting box.
We kept a bird list on Sunday and had most of our usual suspects visit us at home. Our species count was 27 for the day.
On Monday there were three Northern Flickers in the dead tree out back. They were posturing and showing their yellow tail feathers. This is the highest single count of N. Flichers this year. We also had a White-throated Sparrow in the yard and a male Eastern Bluebird was checking out the back nesting boxes.
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