Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where were you on the weekend?

The Sharp-shinned Hawk just made an appearance in the field behind our house this morning. I wish he had been here on the weekend to add to the count (alas!). It's a juvenile (not sure if it's male or female based on appearance). He hung out on a post, near the apple trees (the same trees the unknown waxwings were in). Dave walked out to get some pictures. Here they are:


  1. Hi Liz Benneian president of Oakvillegreen Conservation Association. Enjoyed your webpage. We worked hard to get the Glenorchy area protected as part of the Natural Heritage System and are now working hard to see that is i reserved to protect nature rather than become a recreational area for humans. Glad to Glenorchy has neighbours who also love and appreciate nature. Liz Benneian 905-562-3819 www.oakvillegreen.org

  2. Hi Liz. My husband Dave met Brian a few weeks ago. It's so nice to get in touch with your organization. Glenorchy is beautiful and desperately needs some defenders. Thank you for all you do for all of Oakville's green spaces.

  3. PS We joined Oakville Green today and I encourage other readers to do so as well!
