Thursday, May 3, 2012

More exciting arrivals! Yesterday was the first Baltimore Oriole of the season, and so I quickly put out oranges and grape jelly for them. Today I was rewarded with two male Orioles visiting repeatedly. We also saw two male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks for the first time this spring. So exciting to have them back! There was also a Cowbird in the yard, the first in at least several weeks. Late afternoon, I drove over to my parents place to pick up my dogs. Simon fell asleep in the car, so I parked under their pine tree and opened the doors and windows. Looking up, I saw several small birds flitting around. Warblers! I was so excited! I called my parents on the phone and told them to look out the window. There were at least two male Yellow-rumped Warblers and one female. They were so close to me! It was the best look I've ever had at any warbler (except the ones we did the banding of at Mountsberg). They were literally a few feet above me. I just sat quietly and they kept moving in and then out. Amazing! Then I noticed one was smaller and looked different and I'm fairly certain it was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. It was great to be able to see all the markings and not even have binoculars (note to self: do not travel this time of year anywhere without binoculars and Sibley's!!). I'm so glad I grabbed the camera last minute on my way out. I did get some pics, but as usual they are not very good b/c the birds move so fast and my camera is not so great. Such a great way to spend the evening! The birds stayed in the tree for the two hours I was there and even when I went inside, I was able to borrow my parents' binoculars and watch them longer. This also goes to show that if you make a bird friendly yard, they will come!!

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