Saturday, November 5, 2011

Recommended Viewing.

Last night, Dave and I happened to catch a documentary called "Ghost Bird". It's from 2009, so we're not exactly on to something new here, but it was a great film. It focuses on claims of sightings of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, a species long thought to be extinct from loss of habitat. These alleged sightings were made in 2004 in a small town in Arkansas. The film examines the impact of the "rediscovery" had on the town and the birding world. There are interviews with those who believe and the skeptics, the ensuing controversy and the government's role with regards to conservation and funding. We also learn about the tragic loss of a wonderful and unique species and how this could have been prevented if habitat had been set aside. It's sadly a message that many still do not hear and we continue to carve up forests for the sake of industry. I wonder how many more species will meet the fate of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

Here's the link to the film. It would be great for high school students and families who ware interested in this material.

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