Friday, October 8, 2010

Northern Parula!

If I hadn't been sick with this cold, I would have posted this exciting news right away. On Tuesday, we saw a Northern Parula in the Oak trees at the side of the house. This is a first time sighting for us! We were able to make the id based on the blue on it's back, the distinct white wing bars, the eye ring and the yellow breast. Such a beautiful bird!

Here's a thumbnail picture from You can see additional (and larger pictures at the link.

Here is some additional information on the Northern Parula from

"A small warbler of the upper canopy, the Northern Parula can be found in two rather distinct populations. The southern population nests primarily in hanging Spanish moss, while the northern population uses the similar-looking old man's beard lichen.

Cool Facts
* The distribution of the Northern Parula has an unusual break north to south. It may formerly have nested in that zone, and was eradicated. Explanations for the disappearance may be changes in habitat or increasing air pollution, which limited the growth of epiphytes on trees that the warbler depended on for nesting.

* Since the 1950s, Northern Parula has nested several times along the coastal region of northern California, far from the normal range. "

It's amazing how many different species of birds live in and/or travel through this area. We are so fortunate to be able to see such a variety of birds and that even after three years of record keeping, we are still surprised by new sightings.

Glenorchy Conservation area really is a special spot and needs our continued protection. Issues concerning green space, preservation and protection should be foremost in our minds with the upcoming municipal election. Oakville recently received some good news- there will be no new power plant built in Oakville! Yay!! But there are other threats to the area- continued development, proposed extensions of Burnhamthorpe and James Snow Parkway, etc. Please, please do your research and vote very carefully. Dave and I recently learned we are in Ward 5, not Ward 4, and now have to do our homework all over again in terms of Local and Regional Councillors. We are VERY disappointed in not being able to vote for Brian Burton and Allan Elgar (but if you live in Ward 4, you should really consider these green-friendly candidates!). Oakvillegreen is hosting an all-candidates meeting on October 12th at Town Hall. This will be a great opportunity to hear what candidates have to say (and pay attention to what they do NOT say- this can be just as telling!).

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