Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June days in the yard

A male Gold Finch makes a rare appearance. We haven't been seeing too much of these guys recently:

One of the five or so Grosbeaks we are seeing on a regular basis:

A male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird takes a rest on the clothesline.

Way off in the distance, I saw two Herons land in the top of this tree. It was a cloudy, rainy morning so the picture isn't great but you should be able to make them out.

A female Hairy Woodpecker takes a beak-full of suet, likely bringing dinner home to a nesting cavity full of babies:

Our ever faithful House Finch and Grackle in the background:

A Mourning Dove suns itself after taking a bath:

Not to worry, it got up shortly after and went back to eating:

A male Cardinal as the sun sets:

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