It's been awhile since my last post. It's been a busy week (including a birthday for yours truly). We have been lucky to observe fledglings and parents hard at work at the feeders. The Red-breasted Nuthatch has been one of the more active visitors, which is a treat for us. Since we moved here, our records show that the RBN sticks around throughout the fall/winter and then we don't see him/her throughout the summer. They must have decided to nest nearby as we've seen the parent feeding the fledgling (there's only one parent and one fledgling observed at a single time).

We also watched an adult Baltimore Oriole feed a young one as well. We have pictures of the young Baltimore hanging out in the crabapple tree. When the adult was feeding it, they flew up into the mature oak and were more or less obscured by leaves.

There have been up to four Downy Woodpeckers at once, with some fledglings in the group as well.

The Red-bellied male has been very active at the suet and orange feeders. I'm really hoping we see some successful RB fledglings soon as we have in past years.
The House Wren is back to it's nesting box, even adding materials to it. He's been singing almost non-stop every day. No signs of a female for quite awhile. I'm wondering if they'll actually use this nesting box for their second round of eggs?

We also have our faithful pair of House Finches and Gold Finches still around, as well as families of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (at least 4 males, some females and juveniles).

A fledgling (I think, based on the "scaly" appearance of the feathers) Mourning Dove: