Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Brown Thrasher and Brown Bunnies

A Brown Thrasher was hopping through the yard this morning. We had a quick glimpse and then he flew away to an adjoining field. Later, we heard a bird singing and we didn't recognize the sound. Dave followed the sound and there was the Thrasher up at the top of the highest tree, singing very loudly! We were reading up on the Brown Thrasher and "they have the largest repertoire of songs of all the North American birds and are able to vocalize 3000 distinct songs" ( Amazing!

The bunnies have left their nest and are exploring the garden area. They grow up so fast! We weren't sure if we should help them out over the fence or if we should just leave them. The mother is big enough to hop the little fence, but these little guys can't make it over. Some of them went back into the nest for a bit, but then we saw them cuddling together in the corner. We decided to leave them for the day and see if mom comes back at dusk tonight.

I also saw the male Hairy Woodpecker for the first time in quite awhile this morning, working at the peanut ring. The Tree Swallows are around and continue to work their way from one nesting box to another. We did not see the Blue Bird this morning. Dave did see it yesterday morning, but no sighting today so far.

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