(from top to bottom: Dave's 3rd place pic "Cold Creek" and Jenn's 3rd place pic "16 Mile Creek in Spring"
Dave and I are just home from attending a wonderful event organzied by Oakville Green and the Town of Oakville. We submitted entries to the photography contest portion and we each placed third in separate categories. We received Certificates "in recognition of artisitc contribuiton reflecting the beauty and importance of Oakville's urban forest." Each winner was called up to receive the award (and a gift certificate to Henry's!- very nice!!). We met Mayor Rob Burton, MPP Kevin Flynn, and some local councillors and (finally in person) Liz Benneian, the President of Oakville Green. How wonderful to meet these champions and defenders of the environment. We were also able to chat a little more in depth with our ward's Regional Councillor Allan Elgar, who was very instrumental in securing Glenorchy as a conservation area. It was also very interesting to learn about other programs in the area and what other individuals, schools and businesses are doing to keep Oakville green in so many ways. What an inspiring night! My spirits are lifed after a few rough days and feeling discouraged. Oakville is a great place to live!!
It's great that so much attention is given to trees in Oakville. There remains much work to do, but with folks like the two of you, Liz B. and the Friends of Glenorchy and Oakvillegreen groups it is certain that many people will continue to stand up so that many trees may continue to do the same. Congratulations Jenn and Dave!