Well, there hasn't been too much happening. There have been no new birds or new birds for this year yet. In another month or so, when fall migration starts we should have some changes in the regulars at the feeders. The black birds are beginning to flock together and showing up in bigger numbers at the feeders. These are mixed groups of grackles, cowbirds, red winged blackbirds and starlings. They get noisier and noisier and will start to take over the yard in the hundreds soon enough.

We have seen one RoseBreasted Grosbeak in early August. It was either a female or a juvenile and we just saw it the one day at the feeder and that's been it for those guys.
The hummingbirds are still around and we have seen 2 females and 2 males at one time.
The Baltimore Orioles are at the tray feeder every day, eating the grape jelly and oranges. On Sunday we saw three of them.

We finally saw a hairy woodpecker for the first time in quite awhile too. No further sighthings of any of the red-bellied woodpeckers.
Chickadees are back around too after laying low for awhile.

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