We're debating whether this bird is a female Scarlet Tanager or possibly a Yellowthroat (either one would make it a new sighting for us). We got a quick look at it and it was really far up in the tree. The pic is a little blurry, so it's hard to be sure. We've posted it to whatbird.com to see what others think at http://www.whatbird.com/forums/forums/thread/98093.aspx
Dave is leaning towards the Tanager. The Tanager is one of my most wanted, although I would really like to see the male since his colouring is so vibrant and beautiful.

I also managed to get a pretty good shot of some swallows. We looked at the pics on the computer this morning and have decided they are Northern Rough-Winged Swallows. We used the colouring but also the shape of the tail to make the ID. This is also a first time sighting for us. According to Sibleys' these re uncommon. They nest in crevices of cliffs or walls, which the steep embankment walls would provide.

I also got this shot of a mallard in flight. I just like the movement.

Also saw an indigo bunting way up in the tree, singing his/her heart out. So pretty!

Around the house, Dave checked the nesting box and the Tree Swallows have 7 eggs in their box. Very ambitious!

The hummingbirds were going full force. We see them mostly at the feeder, but also at the flowers in the garden.

The gardens have really come in nicely this year. We picked plants specifically for hummingbirds and butterflies. Here's little Lola checking things out:

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