We have the house finches around all year. We've seen the male house finch feeding his female partner. They are so cute together!
The gold finches are also very brightly coloured these days! They are so pretty and really stand out with their bold yellow feathers.

We've also had the chipping sparrow and the white-throated sparrow (I think I have those right- Dave is the sparrow expert).

There has also been multiple problems with house sparrows trying to take over all the nesting boxes. Dave is trying to problem solve that issue. It's worth reading up on if you are unaware as to what a huge problem these birds can be for native species.
And while I was sleeping off an allergic reaction, Dave was out in the side woodlot and saw all kinds of interesting birds on Sunday morning. He got a pic of this one that he is pretty sure is a ruby-crowned kinglet. He also saw a yellow-bellied sapsucker (I'm so jealous!!). So next weekend, we're going to grab some lawn chairs and just sit out there and see what's going on.

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